Get the Super School Bundle now!

Ready to stop stressing your stabilizers and quit making your hooping oopsies? 

Get Stabilizer School and Super Hooper course bundle for $23 off! 

What you get in this bundle

Stabilizer School Class - $197 value

Stabilizer School Workbook- $15 value

Super Hooper Class- $47 value

Super Hooper Workbook- $15 value

That's over $270 worth of content for just $99!
Mildred F. 
Stabilizer School Student

"Thanks to Kate's wise advice and Stabilizer School, I've been braver with my embroidery!"

Brenda T.
Super Hooper Student

What a quick and easy class! I didn't realize how many problems my hooping was giving me until I learned the right way to do it with Super Hooper

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Super School Bundle$75

  • Total payment
  • 1xSuper School Bundle$75

All prices in USD